Triumf nad časom: Vstupenka na Víťazný oblúk čaká!
Vystúpte na majestátny Víťazný oblúk a postavte sa na miesto, kde sa tvorili dejiny. Táto ikonická parížska dominanta pripomína francúzske víťazstvá a vzdáva hold padlým vojakom. Vstupenka na Víťazný oblúk vám odomkne podmanivú cestu časom.
Tu je to, čo vás čaká:
- Triumfálny výstup: Vystúpte po veľkolepom schodisku
- Panoramatické výhľady: Sledujte úchvatný výhľad na Champs-Élysées, Eiffelovu vežu v diaľke a rušnú parížsku panorámu.
- Vyrytá história: Preskúmajte zložité rezby a sochy, ktoré zobrazujú kľúčové momenty francúzskej vojenskej histórie.
- Večný plameň: Uctite si pamiatku pri Večnom plameni, ktorý nepretržite horí od roku 1920 na počesť neznámych vojakov.
Very rude unfriendly lady at the bag check. Why work in a customer facing role if you clearly hate tourists?! View is great. Nearest train stop is Charles de Gaulle Etoile. Ticket queue moved quite quickly. The 12 exit roundabout is madness.
We always enjoy walking around this landmark building and the Champs Elysee. Great views down to the Place de Concord.
Visted the Arc on a cool rainy morning in July. The crowds were not as heavy and it gave us the opportunity to be in out of the rain. The rain did not last long. There was the option of photos outside prior to going up, as well as photos inside and from the top. We could literally see all over the city. Had injured my knee a week prior to arrival and was able to take the lift a good way up and then about 40 stairs took us to the top. There is a souvenir shop about 3/4 way up, as well as an area with seating that provides a video of the history of the Arc. This was by far one of the highlights of my visit to Paris.