Odhalenie stredovekého Paríža: Conciergerie Vstupenky
Vráťte sa späť v čase a preskúmajte úchvatnú Conciergerie, kľúčovú pamiatku parížskej histórie.
Táto impozantná stavba, kedysi kráľovský palác a neskôr neslávne známe väzenie, ponúka pohľad do fascinujúcej minulosti mesta.
Tu je to, čo vás čaká:
- Bohatú históriu: Poďte sa pozrieť na vývoj Conciergerie od kráľovskej rezidencie po revolučné väzenie, v ktorom sa nachádzali neslávne známe osobnosti ako Mária Antoinetta.
- Architektonický zázrak: Preskúmajte Grande Salle, ohromujúcu sálu známu svojou gotickou architektúrou a zložitými detailmi.
This is a beautiful spectacular old building full of Parisian history. A once royal palace and eventually a prison.
Again, we didn't have money to go inside but I took a picture from outside and heard the guide talk a little bit of the story. Thought it was amazing and beautiful
I have always loved this beautiful building from the outside and finally got to visit it on the inside. I don't know what I was expecting but it certainly wasn't a completely empty building. Yes, the history is very interesting and yes, Marie Antoinette spent her last days here, but the fact that it was completely empty meant that there was no actual atmosphere or sense of what it had been like. At least, that's how it was for me.