Triumf nad časom: Vstupenka na Víťazný oblúk čaká!
Vystúpte na majestátny Víťazný oblúk a postavte sa na miesto, kde sa tvorili dejiny. Táto ikonická parížska dominanta pripomína francúzske víťazstvá a vzdáva hold padlým vojakom. Vstupenka na Víťazný oblúk vám odomkne podmanivú cestu časom.
Tu je to, čo vás čaká:
- Triumfálny výstup: Vystúpte po veľkolepom schodisku
- Panoramatické výhľady: Sledujte úchvatný výhľad na Champs-Élysées, Eiffelovu vežu v diaľke a rušnú parížsku panorámu.
- Vyrytá história: Preskúmajte zložité rezby a sochy, ktoré zobrazujú kľúčové momenty francúzskej vojenskej histórie.
- Večný plameň: Uctite si pamiatku pri Večnom plameni, ktorý nepretržite horí od roku 1920 na počesť neznámych vojakov.
We purchased advance online reserved timed tickets for the Arc de Triomphe instead of purchasing a Paris Museum pass as the pass did not allow advance reservations made. Actually once you have a valid entrance ticket for the day, you may enter at any time as they did not check; it is all QR code scanned by the machine. We arrived over 30 minutes early and we were admitted in without a problem. The only problem was finding the actual entrance to access as the etoile (star) that radiates around the Arc de Triomphe does not really have any signs indicating where the entrance is. We walked around for over 1/2 an hour and finally located the staircase that heads down the tunnel to access the entrance. It is located directly from the end of Avenue de Champs Elysees facing the Arc de Triomphe. You will see the big crowd of people heading in/out . Follow the crowd and you will get in. It is worth the climb up the staircase to access up the top of Arc de Triomphe as the 12 streets that radiate from it are visible along with the many Paris iconic landmarks-- Grande Arche de la Defense, Montparnasse Tower, Sacre Coeur, and the Eiffel Tower of course. Half way up, there is a stop for a restroom break and a gift shop. Well worth the climb up for the views!
I was disappointed that even to access the square it has to be paid... we saw the arch from afar. Wished to go up to the rooftop but after visiting other high points it's not worth it.
And, the walk along the Champs Elysees is also an unforgettable experience. Be prepared for lots of people out shopping in the many high-end boutiques and luxury flagship stores.