Odhalenie stredovekého Paríža: Conciergerie Vstupenky
Vráťte sa späť v čase a preskúmajte úchvatnú Conciergerie, kľúčovú pamiatku parížskej histórie.
Táto impozantná stavba, kedysi kráľovský palác a neskôr neslávne známe väzenie, ponúka pohľad do fascinujúcej minulosti mesta.
Tu je to, čo vás čaká:
- Bohatú históriu: Poďte sa pozrieť na vývoj Conciergerie od kráľovskej rezidencie po revolučné väzenie, v ktorom sa nachádzali neslávne známe osobnosti ako Mária Antoinetta.
- Architektonický zázrak: Preskúmajte Grande Salle, ohromujúcu sálu známu svojou gotickou architektúrou a zložitými detailmi.
a sober presence, outside but mostly inside, and fortunately nowadays is a quiet and clean place it's hard to imagine those convicted, waiting in their own filthy (a cell with no window and no toilet), it's hard to imagine the smell, the voices, the terror there is a room with walls covered by 4000 names, all those killed during the Grand Terror of 1793-1794, including the revolutionary leaders it's also the place where the last French king and queen have been detained before their deaths nowadays is just a place to remember
Most of the cavernous building was blocked off. The exhibit on Marie Antoinette was somewhat interesting, but, lost on me. I'm sure French people will appreciate this place more than a silly American on his 12th trip to Paris.
This place is full of an atmosphere of old France, espesially if you take a tablet with installation of the past