Odhalenie parížskeho klenotu: vstupenky do Sainte Chapelle
Vráťte sa späť v čase a staňte sa svedkami úchvatnej krásy Sainte Chapelle s našimi vstupenkami!
Táto nádherná kaplnka z 13. storočia, ktorá sa nachádza v srdci Paríža, je známa svojimi úžasnými vitrážami, ktoré sa považujú za majstrovské diela gotiky.
Tu je to, čo vás čaká:
- Pastva pre oči: V kaplnke sú vitráže zobrazujúce biblické výjavy, ktoré ožívajú pri slnečnom svetle: Sledujte žiarivé farby a zložité detaily vitráží.
- Architektonický zázrak: Obdivujte vysoké stropy, jemnú kamennú výzdobu a žiarivé svetlo, ktoré definuje gotický architektonický štýl.
- Historický význam: V kaplnke sa kedysi nachádzala kráľovská svätyňa s posvätnými relikviami.
Once past the entrance gate, you enter the basement of Chapelle with its own mini cathedral and gift shop. Now climb the stairs (look for others entering a doorway) to the upper Cathedral. This contain the 40 foot high stained glass windows and stone arches. Take your time to absorb the magnificent art work as the sun shines thru one side of the cathedral. Most impressive!! As always, buy you tickets in advance and show up at your designated time slot. Folks attempting to purchase tickets at the door were turned away. Immediately next door is the Conciergerie, but this can be skipped if in a rush.
Thank you so much for taking a time out to write a review for us!
Please go. Please also go up the stairs before your party / group / partner and take a video of their face when they ascend the staircase and see this room. Truly, witnessing someone's face who sees this for the first time is almost as magical as seeing the sanctuary and windows themselves.
Thank you for your kind words!
It doesn’t have to be a long visit, but it is a sight to see. We went on a cloudy day, and I can imagine it is brilliant to see in a sunny day. Though tickets bought in advance might be better, we just walked up and waited maybe 10 minutes to get our tickets. The stained glass windows are a sight to behold, and it was just something we had to do while visiting Paris.
Thank you so much for your kind review!