Triumf nad časom: Vstupenka na Víťazný oblúk čaká!
Vystúpte na majestátny Víťazný oblúk a postavte sa na miesto, kde sa tvorili dejiny. Táto ikonická parížska dominanta pripomína francúzske víťazstvá a vzdáva hold padlým vojakom. Vstupenka na Víťazný oblúk vám odomkne podmanivú cestu časom.
Tu je to, čo vás čaká:
- Triumfálny výstup: Vystúpte po veľkolepom schodisku
- Panoramatické výhľady: Sledujte úchvatný výhľad na Champs-Élysées, Eiffelovu vežu v diaľke a rušnú parížsku panorámu.
- Vyrytá história: Preskúmajte zložité rezby a sochy, ktoré zobrazujú kľúčové momenty francúzskej vojenskej histórie.
- Večný plameň: Uctite si pamiatku pri Večnom plameni, ktorý nepretržite horí od roku 1920 na počesť neznámych vojakov.
Such an Icon - another attraction that you can plan to wait in line for an hour or so if it is busy season. We had reservations across town, so bought our tickets and had to come back later to actually climb to the top.
Thank you for your kind words!
This was amazing thing to do! Really enjoyed the staircases up and down and the view from up top. Bathrooms were an issue because there was a really long wait for the ladies room (about 45 minutes). The attendant that was helping with the lifts for people that needed them was very unhappy and unfriendly. Overall it's a must do!
Thank you so much for your kind review!
Been here two times and still love the experience. The monument offers best views of Paris from the top. I prefer this than other places to see the street layout from the top. Though it's a quick site visit but it does still worth it. You can continue the city explore with stroll on the Champs-Elysees after that.
Thank you so much for your kind review!