Trionfo nel tempo: il biglietto d'ingresso all'Arco di Trionfo vi aspetta!
Salite sul maestoso Arco di Trionfo e fermatevi dove è stata fatta la storia. Questo iconico monumento parigino commemora le vittorie francesi e onora i soldati caduti. Il biglietto d'ingresso all'Arco di Trionfo apre un affascinante viaggio nel tempo.
Ecco cosa vi aspetta:
- Salita trionfale: Salite la grande scalinata
- Vista panoramica: Vedute mozzafiato degli Champs-Élysées, della Torre Eiffel in lontananza e del vivace paesaggio parigino.
- Storia incisa: Esplorate gli intricati intagli e le sculture che raffigurano momenti chiave della storia militare francese.
- Fiamma eterna: Rendete omaggio alla Fiamma Eterna, che arde ininterrottamente dal 1920 per onorare i soldati sconosciuti.
we didnt go to the top as there was a queue, but it is just as impressive a monument from the ground. It's location at the top of the Champs Elysee makes a visit all the more worthwhile.
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During the first day we spent in Paris we went to see Arc de Triomphe at evening around 4 o'clock. Travelers can buy souvenirs ,foods and do shopping for a low prize. When I was walking alone the road to arch with my family I got a strange feeling that I was in France and going to look arch on the same road where once the emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and his great army went to build this gorgeous arch. It was actually a wonderful and lovely feeling.
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This was a wonderful experience. We climbed up a twisty flight of many stairs and it was very rewarding when we arrived at the top. The view is incredible and you can see all of the beautiful parts of Paris. You can see the Champs Elysee, La Defense, Sacre Coeur, and the magnificent Tour Eiffel. Great place to take really nice pictures.
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