Trionfo nel tempo: il biglietto d'ingresso all'Arco di Trionfo vi aspetta!
Salite sul maestoso Arco di Trionfo e fermatevi dove è stata fatta la storia. Questo iconico monumento parigino commemora le vittorie francesi e onora i soldati caduti. Il biglietto d'ingresso all'Arco di Trionfo apre un affascinante viaggio nel tempo.
Ecco cosa vi aspetta:
- Salita trionfale: Salite la grande scalinata
- Vista panoramica: Vedute mozzafiato degli Champs-Élysées, della Torre Eiffel in lontananza e del vivace paesaggio parigino.
- Storia incisa: Esplorate gli intricati intagli e le sculture che raffigurano momenti chiave della storia militare francese.
- Fiamma eterna: Rendete omaggio alla Fiamma Eterna, che arde ininterrottamente dal 1920 per onorare i soldati sconosciuti.
We went up during the day and night. There are a lot of streps (300!) but it’s worth it for the views. You can pick out all the major sites across the city and it’s a great place to watch the light display on the Eiffel Tower.
The attraction takes longer to get to than you realise (it's located literally in the middle of a roundabout!) It's got several flights of stairs up a narrow staircase to the top (not for the faint hearted), but the views are well worth it! You're treated to a 360 degree view of Paris, you can easily see all the local attractions, including the magnificent Eiffel Tower and the never ending Champs Elysees. The climb down isn't much easier, but I'd still recommend adding this to your to do list.
This is definitely a must-see when visiting Paris. Buy your tickets on line so you have a scheduled time of entrance which lets you avoid the long lines. The steps going up to the top is a little tough but totally worth it when you reach the top. There is plenty of places to sit and rest (as well as a good gift shop) at the top. And the views on top are really neat and well worth the trip up.