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Trionfo nel tempo: il biglietto d'ingresso all'Arco di Trionfo vi aspetta!
Salite sul maestoso Arco di Trionfo e fermatevi dove è stata fatta la storia. Questo iconico monumento parigino commemora le vittorie francesi e onora i soldati caduti. Il biglietto d'ingresso all'Arco di Trionfo apre un affascinante viaggio nel tempo.
Ecco cosa vi aspetta:
- Salita trionfale: Salite la grande scalinata
- Vista panoramica: Vedute mozzafiato degli Champs-Élysées, della Torre Eiffel in lontananza e del vivace paesaggio parigino.
- Storia incisa: Esplorate gli intricati intagli e le sculture che raffigurano momenti chiave della storia militare francese.
- Fiamma eterna: Rendete omaggio alla Fiamma Eterna, che arde ininterrottamente dal 1920 per onorare i soldati sconosciuti.
This panoramic experience is slightly less frequented by tourists as many accent the iconic Eiffel Tower but this monument has not much less than the Eiffel tower. From my experience, I really enjoyed the Arc de Triomphe's panoramic view from the top as you could see the roads leading off into the rest of Paris. The Champs Elysee's from above is spectacular and iconic places in the distance. I would honesly reccomend this experience because it is an experience well worth visiting.
A beautiful and glorious celebrating the wonderfully planned city that is Paris. Imagine yourself riding the cobblestones to a win of the Tour de France or marching in formation after celebrating a military victory... This monument inspires it all and is a central focal point of Paris (next to the Eiffel Tower). You can cross to the monument itself through an underground passage. We did not climb it but know of others who did and had a great time. Otherwise, stand in the middle of the Champ Elysee median and get a great picture.
For the first time I went to the top. The view from the terrace is amazing. It’s possible to see almost all Paris from la Defense to the Louvre and of course the Tour Eiffel. There are no elevators so prepare to climb some stairs