Triunfo sobre el tiempo: ¡Le espera la entrada al Arco del Triunfo!
Suba al majestuoso Arco del Triunfo y permanezca en el lugar donde se hizo la historia. Este emblemático monumento parisino conmemora las victorias francesas y rinde homenaje a los soldados caídos. Su entrada al Arco del Triunfo le permitirá realizar un cautivador viaje en el tiempo.
Esto es lo que le espera:
- Subida triunfal: Suba la gran escalinata
- Vistas panorámicas: Contemple las impresionantes vistas de los Campos Elíseos, la Torre Eiffel a lo lejos y el bullicioso paisaje urbano parisino.
- Historia grabada: Explore las intrincadas tallas y esculturas que representan momentos clave de la historia militar francesa.
- La Llama Eterna: Presente sus respetos en la Llama Eterna, que arde ininterrumpidamente desde 1920 en honor a soldados desconocidos.
I knew this was not a small monument but was shocked when we arrived by just how large it really is. It’s huge! We did not plan when we showed up to do anything but look around from the outside. We saw people on top and realized we had to go up. It is worth the trip and ticket to do so. You get a wonderful view from to top and can walk around and see a most of the central part of the city. There are also signs up that have some of the main features of the skyline to let you know what some of the things are that you may now know. An interesting part of the time at the top is to watch the traffic in the roundabout around the base of the structure. Five (???) unmarked lanes connecting twelve roads together. It is just a beautiful near disaster to watch.
Thank you so much for your kind review!
Beautiful view from the top of the city and landmarks. Great place to start your trip to get your bearings.
Thank you so much for your kind review!