Descubra una joya parisina: Entradas a la Sainte Chapelle
Retroceda en el tiempo y sea testigo de la impresionante belleza de la Sainte Chapelle con nuestras entradas.
Esta exquisita capilla del siglo XIII, situada en el corazón de París, es famosa por sus impresionantes vidrieras, consideradas obras maestras del gótico.
Esto es lo que le espera:
- Un festín para los ojos: Sea testigo de los vibrantes colores y los intrincados detalles de las vidrieras de la capilla, que representan escenas bíblicas que cobran vida con la luz del sol.
- Maravilla arquitectónica: Admire los altos techos, la delicada cantería y la luz radiante que definen el estilo arquitectónico gótico.
- Importancia histórica: Conozca la fascinante historia de la capilla, que fue un santuario real que albergaba reliquias sagradas.
The best stained glass in all of Paris! So, here is what you do.. After you enter, you'll be downstairs, which in itself is beautiful. However, you'll want to find the small stairs located in the back corners and work your way up, where the real show is. If you arrive when they first open like we did, you can go straight to the top while most everyone else clogs the downstairs. By doing this, we had the best rooms to ourselves for several minutes, before others figured it out.
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This is a beautiful old church and the history is cool. However, it’s a quick stop so don’t expect this to take up much of your day.
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I have visited Sainte-Chapelle many times over the past 40 years but this most recent visit was my favorite - not only are the windows so clean and gorgeous, but I managed to get tickets online for one of the first time slots, so we were able to enjoy it with very few people inside. This is a site that is not to be missed!
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