Descubra una joya parisina: Entradas a la Sainte Chapelle
Retroceda en el tiempo y sea testigo de la impresionante belleza de la Sainte Chapelle con nuestras entradas.
Esta exquisita capilla del siglo XIII, situada en el corazón de París, es famosa por sus impresionantes vidrieras, consideradas obras maestras del gótico.
Esto es lo que le espera:
- Un festín para los ojos: Sea testigo de los vibrantes colores y los intrincados detalles de las vidrieras de la capilla, que representan escenas bíblicas que cobran vida con la luz del sol.
- Maravilla arquitectónica: Admire los altos techos, la delicada cantería y la luz radiante que definen el estilo arquitectónico gótico.
- Importancia histórica: Conozca la fascinante historia de la capilla, que fue un santuario real que albergaba reliquias sagradas.
It is my favourite (besides cathedrals) as it has very special atmosphere. Also architecture and art work is great, but this atmosphere brings me back here. Not writing here about special history behind it.
Thank you for your kind words!
This is not a huge space--basically one very lovely chapel-sized church with stained glass over a simpler downstairs worship area for non-royals. But the stained glass! Wow! The panels tell stories from the Old Testament on one side and the lives of saints on the other. I could say the windows are spectacular but that's an understatement. Despite the relatively small space, you could literally spend all day reading the picture stories and admiring the artisans' work. Combined with the restored fresco work, you know you are in a place that the workmen of 700 years ago considered worthy of their best skills.
Thank you so much for your kind review!
Beautiful Chapelle. It’s not really big , but definitely deserves attention if you have extra free time. It does has a magnificent feel, when the rays of sun going through that marvellous vitrage windows.
Thank you so much for your kind review!