Triunfo sobre el tiempo: ¡Le espera la entrada al Arco del Triunfo!
Suba al majestuoso Arco del Triunfo y permanezca en el lugar donde se hizo la historia. Este emblemático monumento parisino conmemora las victorias francesas y rinde homenaje a los soldados caídos. Su entrada al Arco del Triunfo le permitirá realizar un cautivador viaje en el tiempo.
Esto es lo que le espera:
- Subida triunfal: Suba la gran escalinata
- Vistas panorámicas: Contemple las impresionantes vistas de los Campos Elíseos, la Torre Eiffel a lo lejos y el bullicioso paisaje urbano parisino.
- Historia grabada: Explore las intrincadas tallas y esculturas que representan momentos clave de la historia militar francesa.
- La Llama Eterna: Presente sus respetos en la Llama Eterna, que arde ininterrumpidamente desde 1920 en honor a soldados desconocidos.
Amazing views. Really enjoyed seeing the alternative views and taking photos of the city including of the Eiffel Tower which we went up earlier in the day. The city looked beautiful in the early evening. Bought tickets in advance to reduce queue time. Next time I would buy them an hour or so later to catch the sunset (we went at 7.30pm).
A must see in Paris. My wife and i were blown away. There is two underground access points. There is also no need to pay a fee if you do not wish to climb to the top. Simply go past the line to the right and you can climb the stars to street level and view the masterpiece up close with no additional fee.
No trip is complete without seeing and getting to the top of the L'Arc. If you are brave, you can get one picture of yourself or family in front of the East side of the Arc where no one is behind you - only the Arc itself and the cars racing around it. You'll see a line of people waiting for their turn in the middle of the street on the East side. To go to the top you need to climb about 180 steps on a mostly spiral staircase.