Triunfo sobre el tiempo: ¡Le espera la entrada al Arco del Triunfo!
Suba al majestuoso Arco del Triunfo y permanezca en el lugar donde se hizo la historia. Este emblemático monumento parisino conmemora las victorias francesas y rinde homenaje a los soldados caídos. Su entrada al Arco del Triunfo le permitirá realizar un cautivador viaje en el tiempo.
Esto es lo que le espera:
- Subida triunfal: Suba la gran escalinata
- Vistas panorámicas: Contemple las impresionantes vistas de los Campos Elíseos, la Torre Eiffel a lo lejos y el bullicioso paisaje urbano parisino.
- Historia grabada: Explore las intrincadas tallas y esculturas que representan momentos clave de la historia militar francesa.
- La Llama Eterna: Presente sus respetos en la Llama Eterna, que arde ininterrumpidamente desde 1920 en honor a soldados desconocidos.
12 floors of stairs, The Arc is beautiful from below, but walking to the top is well worth it to have an incredible view over Paris which includes the Eiffel Tower.
My husband really wanted to do this tourist spot but actually it was the children (age 6 and 7) who enjoyed and learned the most. Not only did we get to count the steps up and down, see the sights from a great vantage point, but also were able to discuss the concept of 'the unknown soldier' and explain all that this means. A wonderful experience and great learning opportunity for the whole family.
I have been to Paris many times over the last 50 years, but this is the first time I entered into the Arc. It is worth the time to go inside to the top and see the beauty of Paris from above. There is also the tomb with the eternal flame and soldier at the entrance. Carved beautiful intricate artwork is etched on all its exterior beauty of the Arc. It stands as a beautiful piece of French History and worth a couple hours of your time