Triumph über die Zeit: Eintrittskarte für den Arc de Triomphe erwartet Sie!
Erklimmen Sie den majestätischen Arc de Triomphe und stehen Sie dort, wo Geschichte geschrieben wurde. Dieses ikonische Pariser Wahrzeichen erinnert an die französischen Siege und ehrt die gefallenen Soldaten. Mit Ihrer Eintrittskarte für den Arc de Triomphe können Sie eine fesselnde Reise durch die Zeit antreten.
Hier ist, was Sie erwartet:
- Triumphaler Aufstieg: Erklimmen Sie die große Treppe
- Panoramablick: Erleben Sie einen atemberaubenden Blick auf die Champs-Élysées, den Eiffelturm in der Ferne und das pulsierende Pariser Stadtbild.
- Eingravierte Geschichte: Entdecken Sie die komplizierten Schnitzereien und Skulpturen, die Schlüsselmomente der französischen Militärgeschichte darstellen.
- Ewige Flamme: Bezeugen Sie Ihren Respekt vor der Ewigen Flamme, die seit 1920 ununterbrochen zu Ehren unbekannter Soldaten brennt.
This is a a ceremonial arch commissioned by Napoleon to celebrate his victories in 1805–6. This structure was completed in 1836. The Arc de Triomphe is located at western end of the shopping street Champs-Élysées and at the centre of Place Charles de Gaulle, previously called Place de l'Étoile. This is located in a busy part of Paris with lots of pedestrians and cars. We did what so many others did and took lots of photos including selfies.
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Traveling to Paris? Bring your camera and watch your wallet while you have an opportunity to take so many memorable shots of this magnificent structure in Paris. The climb to the top is a bit tight through a winding staircase but it's worth the price of admission. Take it from a professional photographer, this is a great place for people watching!
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There are no shortage of iconic monuments to visit and photograph in Paris and the Arc de Triomphe is no exception. Book your ticket in advance, get here early, don't cross the roundabout and take the underground passage. Once you're through security, prepare for the climb to the top. It's worth it! It wasn't crowded when I was here, maybe because it was damp and rainy, but the views are amazing, the monument no less stunning when you're at the top or seeing it from below. My hands were busy snapping photos non-stop during my trip to Paris. I didn't realize how many photos I had taken until I sat down and looked through them all. Whew! I've climbed miles of steps in Paris at almost every site I've been to. What's up with that, Paris?
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